第243回通常例会レポート(表参道バイリンガルTMC )




【準備スピーチ】は4本。HSさんの「 Ouch 」RMさんの「The Diaper」TOさんのコンテスト準備スピーチ、KAさんの「Reason to take the bar」いずれも聞き応えのある表参道TMCらしいスピーチ内容でした。


表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブには、英語が堪能、プレゼンが得意、即興プレゼンが上手い等々様々な分野で優れたメンバーがいおりますので、ご自分の目的に合わせてプレゼンスキルを学ぶことが出来ます。私たちの活動に興味をもたれた方は、是非一度見学にいらして下さい!見学のお申込みはウェブサイトのコンタクト (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/)からどうぞ。

■January 5th, we held the 243rd meeting.■
The first meeting 2019 was successfully done on Jan.5th. Thanks to the great preparation of senior TMOD, there was no blank in agenda though we had fewer members than usual.
This time we have 4 prepared speakers. All four speakers told us sparking speech; TM HS「 Ouch 」, TM RM「The Diaper」TM TO 「Contest speech preparation」, TM KA「Reason to take the bar」At the evaluation session, TM K.O, TM NN, and TM TO gave great feedback along the project manual.
In Omotesando bilingual Toastmasters, there are a lot of talented members. We are good at speaking English, presentation, and leadership. We give opportunities you get improve your skills as you want. Please check our website, and attend our meeting if you have an interest in our activities. (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/)
