Club Core Value / クラブコアバリュー

Club Core Value – Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club

We are Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club. For over 10 years, our club has been helping its members in achieving their goals of improving their public speaking and leadership skills.

Our regular meetings are conducted in Japanese and in English, this provides our members excellent opportunities for practising and improving their language skills.
In addition to adhering to the core values of Toastmasters International, we have also set the following core values which are unique to our club.


Our club caters towards members with different levels and backgrounds. Whether you are an advanced speaker or you have never given a public speech before we are confident that you will benefit from attending our meetings. As a club, we strongly believe that we can all learn from each other regardless of our levels. We also endeavour to help newer members by giving them all the support that they need in reaping the benefits of Toastmasters.


We are currently a relatively small group compared to other established Toastmasters clubs. This allows us to run cosy, at homestyle meetings. During our meetings, we put extra attention in explaining the various roles to ensure that newer members and guests can gain a good understanding of the best practices in Toastmasters. Our goal is to provide a friendly and warm environment where every participant feels welcome and enjoys practising public speaking. If you have been having any doubts about where and how to start, rest assured that our experienced members will be able to guide you in achieving your full potential.

Integrity & Transparency

Toastmasters also helps members in developing their leadership skills. These skills are very often attained by club members who step up and take on officer roles and our club is no exception. Our club is run by club members for club members. We pride ourselves in upholding Toastmasters’ standards of conduct to ensure that we meet and uphold the highest ethical requirements. Our decisions as a club are fair and transparent in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order which allows us to make optimal decisions as a group.


Although Toastmaster’s curriculum is global and adopted by all clubs around the world, there are numerous clubs out there and every club is unique with its own strengths and weaknesses. As a club, we want to welcome members who feel that they have found the right environment for them, we therefore strongly invite guests to attend three meetings to assess our club and to make an informed decision on whether to join. See you at the next meeting!

Ver 1.0 as of 2021-11-23, Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club

Club Mission – Toastmasters

We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Toastmasters International Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Excellence


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クラブの価値基準 – 表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブ




包摂性 – お互いを受け容れる












第1版 – 2021-11-23, 表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブ



Toastmasters internationalの価値基準

  • 高潔
  • 尊重
  • 奉仕
  • 卓越

