


TM E さんの、もはやベテランのファシリテーションで進行していった今回の例会。準備スピーチも、TM TさんとTM Aさん双方の内容が興味深く、いずれも聴衆を惹きつけるスピーチでした。表参道バイリンガルは、そんな面白い内容の例会を開催しております。

表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブには、英語が堪能、プレゼンが得意、即興プレゼンが上手い等、様々な分野で優れたメンバーがおりますので、ご自分の目的に合わせてプレゼンスキルを学ぶことが出来ます。私たちの活動に興味を持たれた方は、是非一度見学にいらして下さい!見学のお申込みはウェブサイトのコンタクト (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/)からどうぞ。

In this meeting, TM E had been progressing with veteran facilitation. Regarding the preparation speech, the contents of both Mr. TMT and Mr. TM A were interesting, and both were speeches that attracted the audience. Omotesando Bilingual is holding a meeting of such interesting contents.
I know that there was a second half election, but it would have been nice if there were a lot more speeches!

In Omotesando bilingual Toastmasters, there are a lot of talented members. We are good at speaking English, presentation, and leadership. We give opportunities you get to improve your skills as you want. Please check our website and attend our meeting if you have an interest in our activities. (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/)