

We had another enjoyable meeting on June 6th.

In Toastmasters, we don’t have teachers and text books. So, one of our effective methods is to learn from the great speeches. TM O took a challenge to recite the world winning speech from 2013. He perfectly internalized all words, gestures and pauses. He perfectly mimic the speech. We learned so many things from his attempts.

Another thing that deserves of special mention was Table Topic by TM I. She showed us intriguing pictures and let us voice-over. It was tough, but all answers were HILARIOUS!! We laughed out loud.

Lastly, our one of our most likable members, TM A, served as a TMOD, so called TMO Morning by him who woke up at noon. His meeting facilitation and management was eloquent and full of humors.

日本語スピーチの部では、TM Iさんが次期役員への励ましのメッセージをくれました。役員としての経験豊かなIさんならではの視点は良い示唆を与えてくれました。スライドもとても見やすく、見るだけで想像を掻き立て感情を動かす作りに仕上がっていました。テーブルトピックでは、TM Iさんが「夏」をテーマにお題をくれました。前の回答者の回答内容に共感し、そこから流れるように次の発想へと移っていく構成が見事でした。次はどんな質問が来るのだろうというドキドキ感と、彼女の豊かな発想力が圧巻でした。


Our club is always welcoming guests. Please contact us to get meeting details.
