第242回通常例会レポート(表参道バイリンガルTMC )



2018年最後の例会は、2016年国際スピーチコンテストで日本を代表した増井玲子さんによるスピーチクラフトのワークショップが開かれました。アイデア発想に満ちたグループワークを行った後、参加メンバーのスピーチの題材となるストーリーを共有し合いました。いつもの例会でも行われるGood & Newセッションのような日常のほんの一場面を起点にして、次は各グループに分かれてメッセージ構築を話し合いました。ストーリーに対する物事の捉え方を意見交換した後、発表者は意見をまとめて3〜4分程度のスピーチにし発表しました。初めの全体共有時から、スピーチの土台が築かれて行ったことを確認しました。どのような場面からもスピーチにすることができる可能性に参加者は皆驚き、そして可能性を感じていました。


242nd Regular Meeting (15 Dec 2018) Report

As the last regular meeting of 2018, there was a speechcraft workshop presented by ™ Reiko Masui, representative of 2016 International Speech Contest. After creative group works for icebreaking, some of our attendees shared each story to be the topic of speech, which was good & new session of our regular meeting initiator. By picking up just a daily event, next, we were separated as individual groups and discussed message foundation. While the groups exchanged each other’s opinions ideas, or perspectives, assigned presenters summarized ideas and delivered their own speeches. From initiated entire group share, we confirmed fundamental of speech.
We were all surprised and feel possibility to create signature speech whenever in the event you experienced.
We held the Japanese regular session before the workshop, and a new Indian Toastmaster delivered successfully about his own interests and immigration in Japan or our VPPR shared about the importance of sophisticated fifth sense.
As the general evaluator, this meeting was very suited as the end of year meeting as fruitful and fantastic.
Right after that, we had the party, and I wish that our club would be successful and splendid by gathering each of our members initiative for teamwork!
