186th Regular Meeting(15 Oct, 2016) Report

10月15日の例会は、国籍も多様な6名のゲストを迎え、国際色豊かに盛り上がりました。ゲストの方々もオープニングのGood & Newやテーブルトピックに積極的にご参加下さり、なんとテーブルトピック賞はお二人いらっしゃったのですが、両名ともゲストの方でした。
スピーチは、日本語、英語とも、メッセージ性の強い、心に響く内容でした。しかも英語の部ではHow to be a distinguished club?と称したワークショップも開かれ、とても学びの多い例会となりました。


We had a very international, fruitful meeting with 6 guests from various counties on October 15th. We highly appreciated active participation by the guests for Good & New and Table Topic. Since the performance by the guests were very impressive, best table topic speaker were awarded to two guests. Speeches delivered at the meeting had strong messages with a lot of empathy both in Japanese and English. Very informative workshop; “How to be a distinguished club?” was also held in the English session and motivated us to achieve our own goals as well as club’s goal.

At the end of the meeting, one guest expressed her will to join our club. How exciting! We’re looking forward to upcoming more active meetings with new member!
