191th Regular Meeting(17 Dec, 2016) Report

6年12月17日、表参道バイリンガルクラブの例会は大成功でした。会員15名、TMゲスト4名、ノンTMゲスト4名と大盛況。聴衆が多いと活気が出ていいですね。今日の総合司会はTM A.N.さん。スピーチ6名といつもより多いにも関わらず落ち着いて安定した進行ぶりはさすがベテラン。

さて、最初の2人のスピーカー、TM H.H.さんとTM L.H.さんは入会して初めてのスピーチです。自己紹介ですが、それぞれのストーリーが素晴らしかったです。3人目のTM K.T.さんはご自分のトレーニング法をダイナミックに実演、4人目のTM F.K.さんは学生時代のブラスバンド部の経験をユーモラスに表現し、当クラブの調和あるチーム作りを熱く語りました。

即興力を鍛える「テーブルトピックス」の部ではTM H.O.さんが出す季節感満載のお題を出されました。回答者の答えも楽しかったですね。




December 17, Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club #190 meeting was successfully done. Today, amazingly we had 15 members, 4 other club members and 4 non-toastmaster guests. Many audiences encourage speakers and give great fun for all attendees.

Today’s TMOD TM A.N. conducted great meeting very well, regardless we have six prepared speaker today. She controlled the entire meeting with showing tangible time management skills.

The first two speakers, TM H.H. and TM L.H. made their first speeches. The both of icebreaker speech were excellent and fantastic personal stories. Third

speaker K.T. demonstrated his special workout. Fourth speaker TM T.S. from Tokyo Toastmasters Club made her speech “Jump” as a rehearsal of ESS speech contest, which held on the next day.

At the Japanese session, we hold two speeches. TM O.Y. talked this year’s challenges and results, TM F.K. humorously talked his experience of Bras band in his school day and persuade us to make team harmony of this club.

After the prepared speech, TM H.O. conducted table topics session in Japanese. He asked some seasonable questions and we all were really enjoyed all speaker’s answers. Evaluation session is the key factor of toastmasters activity. Each evaluator analyzed carefully for each speech and encouraged them well.

The final meeting of year 2016 was filled with energetic, enjoyable and high quality meeting.

I hope everyone will be Happy Holidays and A Happy New Year!


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