195th Meeting In-house Contest (18 Feb, 2017) Report

日本語・英語の部それぞれの優勝者と2位のコンテスタントが、3/5(日)新橋ばるーんで開催されるエリアコンテスト (Area32 contest)に出場します。皆さん、ぜひ応援に行きましょう!

On February 18th 2017, Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club’s 195th meeting was held with an In-house contest. 30 people joined to the meeting and the venue was filled to capacity. It was a great success. Thank you very much!

Before the contest started, We had an award session. Our members who achieved the education prize of this term were awarded.

The contest was exciting with a variety of speeches by 5 contestants in the Japanese and 7 contestants in the English session.The winner and the second place in both the Japanese and English session are going to the area contest (Area 32 contest) to be held on 5th March (Sun) @Shinbashi Balloon. Please support us!