205th regular meeting (15 July 2017) report

Dear everyone,

Thank you for your visiting to our website.

This is the report of our regular meeting on July 15th(Sat.).

Many guests joined the meeting as always, but including ex-Omotesando bilingual TMC member and member from Singapore TMC, that was special!

Each helper completely explained their role, I suppose it helped new guests’ understanding enough. TMOD did well managed time, word of the day J/E both chose educational and beautiful words, “ineffable” and “秀逸な”.

At Table Topic session, E/J TT-masters prepared seasonal topics and tried to let all participants have chance to speak. It was wonderful!

Two Japanese speakers and two English speakers made ineffable speeches, but if Japanese speakers did not speak over time, it would be even better.

J/E evaluators both focused not only on details, but also on poetic epithets, logicality, and never forgot advice for improvement.

Time management is one of TMC’s practice; the unsuccessful time control should be reflected upon. However, I am sure our members are improving each time.

We always welcome guests from other clubs and out of TMC club!


皆さん 私たちのサイトにお立ち寄り頂きまして有り難うございます。



抜きん出て素晴らしいという、スピーチの例会にふさわしい言葉を準備していました。 それぞれのヘルパーは役割説明もしっかりこなし、初めてのゲストの皆様にも理解しやすかったことと信じています。テーブトピックスでは日英のTTマスターが季節に合わせたお題を準備し、参加者全員にスピーチの機会を与え例会を盛り上げました。

日本語スピカー2名と英語スピーカー2名のスピーチもレベルが高く、秀逸なものでしたが、日本語スピーカーは2名とも時間オーバーし、投票から外れてしまったのが残念でした。時間管理が出来ていればより優れたものになった事でしょう。日英論評者共に 内容だけでなく、枕詞の使い方や、論理性なども追求しつつ改善アドヴァイスもしっかりとしていました。


