213th Regular Meeting (21 October 2017) Report

213th Regular Meeting (Oct. 21st, 2017) Report

It was a fulfilling meeting with 4 prepared speeches (plus 1 contest speech practice) and workshops on meeting roles as well as mentoring system. Besides, we welcomed as many as 8 guests on that day.

TMOD (meeting facilitator) faced a little difficulty filling in a sudden absence and securing time for workshops, yet he strived to keep everything up with schedule. However, there was a moment where too much time was taken for the report from a helper. To move things along during the meeting, not only TMOD, but each member should pay attention for time.

On Nov. 3rd (Fri) and 4th (Sat), the District 76 Tall Tale Contest will be held during the Fall Conference! In both Japanese and English contest, members from our Omotesando BTMC will participate. Let’s go give them big cheers at the contest!!


第213回通常例会 (2017年10月21日) レポート


