215th Regular Meeting (2 December 2017) Report

第215回通常例会 (2017年12月2日) レポート

司会(TMOD)を務めるのは初挑戦だったTM IEさん。直前に多くの役割変更があったのにも関わらず、何事も無かったかのように無事例会を進めていました。

準備スピーチの部ではユーモラスに引き寄せていたTM NMさん、CCマニュアル最後のプロジェクトに挑戦したTM AKさん、表参道クラブの会員満足度向上に努めたTM KFさんのレポート、そしてTED talkの題材を効果的に活用していたTM TKさんと、どれも目を見張るものがある話が続き、聞く者を飽きさせることのない二時間半でした。


215th Regular Meeting (Dec. 2nd, 2017) Report

Held at the larger meeting room continuing from the last meeting, our 215th regular meeting was so fruitful!

TM IE for the first time took a challenging role of emcee (Toastmaster of the Day: TMOD). She successfully conducted meeting in spite of many assignment revisions. In the prepared speech session, there were many eye-opening speakers. For example, humorous speech delivery by TM NM, the last CC project challenger TM AK, TED talk topics applied by TM TK, and our membership satisfaction report presentation by TM KF. It was obviously fun and educational 2 and a half hours.

For those interested in our activities, please feel free to reach us from “Contact” (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/) on our website! We are looking forward to your visit.