218th Regular Meeting (20 January 2018) Report



・入会されたTM KOさんが初めてのスピーチに挑戦されました。

・新しく入会されたTM YMさんが、ご友人にTMCを紹介して下さり、揃って例会に参加されました。少しずつTMの知名度が向上するのは喜ばしいことです(入会希望の有無に関わらず)。



表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブには、英語に堪能、プレゼンが得意、即興プレゼンが上手い等々様々な分野で優れたメンバーがおりますので、ご自分の目的に合わせてプレゼンスキルを学ぶことが出来ます。私たちの活動に興味をもたれた方は、是非一度見学にいらして下さい!見学のお申込みはウェブサイトのコンタクト (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/)からどうぞ。


218th Regular Meeting (20 January 2018) Report

Our achievements for today

Today, a new member challenged her first speech. Plus, another new member invited a friend of him to the meeting. We are really glad that Toastmasters get popular among people. We welcomed English rakugo performer, TM Kimochi, and he held a speechcraft workshop. This kind of workshop by guest instructor can inspire and encourage members to improve their presentation skills.

Messages for the homepage viewers

In Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club, there are a lot of talented members who are good at speaking English, presentation, and leadership. We can provide opportunities to improve your skills depending on your needs. Please check out our website, and join our meeting if you have interest in our activities (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/).