234th Regular Meeting (1 Sept 2018) Report



即興で話す力をつける「テーブルトピックス」ではTM Sが季節感満載のお題を出題し、ゲストの皆さんも楽しんで答えてくれました。




234th Regular Meeting (1 Sept 2018) Report

The meeting started on time by club president TM H.S. We had an enjoyable meeting with five guests.

There were three prepared speeches in English and Japanese. TM T.O. made an entertaining speech based on baseball superstar Mr. Nagashima’s funny episodes. TM E.I. introduced the speciality of Japanese leadership style by analyzing folktales. TM N.N.’s speech title was “Runner’s high.” He talked about the importance of sustainability.

At the Table Topics session, TM H.S. asked some seasonable questions. Some guests participated this session and enjoyed presenting their short speeches.

This time we had a diverse meeting as we welcomed some foreign guests and had the induction ceremony of TM D.H., who also comes from overseas.


Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club holds a fantastic meeting every single time. Please feel free to join us.