Hello Readers, this is Omotesando Bilingual TMC’s VPE, TM SS and this is my meeting report for our 17th Sep meeting. After a month of online meetings during the month of August, the club resumed hosting hybrid meetings so members met up at Aoyama Life Learning Hall.
I had the pleasure of taking the TMOD role and I can say that having got used to the luxury of ZOOM meetings, I was a bit rusty with my in-person hosting skills so this was definitely a valuable experience for me, it was also lovely meeting club members in person.
We were joined by two guests, TM YT who joined us as a special guest speaker and TM TT who joined us for our table topics session.
TM YT’s speech which was titled “Psychological Safety”covered his communication style which is……………….
Initiating communicators in addition to being enthusiastic (I know TM YT from another club and I can confirm this trait!) are very engaging and motivate others by creating a safe place for them to freely express themselves. He shared how this style has been effective at his workplace. Great Speech!
Our second speaker was TM TO and his speech covered his graduation form our club. TM TO has been a valued member of Omotesando Bilingual TMC having taken on the roles of VPE, President, VPPR (not to mention numerous district roles) over his four years at the club. It was a beautiful speech which summarised TM TO’s great achievements at the club. As a club we are truly grateful to TM TO for his enormous contribution. TO-san please come back and visit us as a guest, we will miss you!

Our table topics session was hosted by TM HO who shared an interesting mix of science, environment and social matters related questions. The questions were very well researched and planned and helped us discuss some key topics which might be affecting our society. The WOD was galvanise also shared by TM HO who successfully hosted a truly galvanising table topics that galvanised all attendees!
Let’s also congratulate our club, President TM SM who won both the best evaluator award and the best table topics award. Great achievement!

Hope you enjoyed reading the report but more importantly, hope to see you at our next meeting on 1st October (the meeting will be conducted in Japanese and the format is TBD). Guests are very very very very very welcome!