372nd Meeting Report

Our 372nd meeting, we welcomed four guests from diverse backgrounds including members from other Toastmasters club. One of the highlights of our meeting was our reunion with TM S from Taiwan, who has been a former member of our club. Her presence added a nostalgic and joyful dimension to the session. Thank you for visiting TM S! The session featured two captivating speeches. TM R, our first speaker, shared his unique journey into the world of science. His story about becoming a physicist was not only unique but very inspiring. Our second speech was from TM Y who shared his experiences abroad and insights on the cultural differences between Japan and the countries he has been to. Both speeches were followed by constructive evaluations from TM K and TM Y for further improvement. The meeting was then followed by the Table Topics Session hosted by TM K, who has brought forward engaging topics, and it gave all of the members an opportunity to enjoy spontaneous speeches. The meeting proceeded smoothly and we are excited for upcoming meetings!
