We had one of the most exciting events of the year: a joint meeting with Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club. Thanks to their warm hospitality and the delightful presence of five guests, we enjoyed a relaxed and truly uplifting time together.
We kicked off the meeting with a “Good and New” session led by TM Mo, where members shared recent personal positive stories, including “discovering the greatest sushi bar of all time” and “rediscovering the importance of this club after the loss of a loved one.”
The meeting continued with a fun and engaging Table Topics session facilitated by TM Sj, who encouraged everyone to respond to his wide variety of impromptu speech topics, each introduced with his humorous explanations. TM Ot won the Best Table Topics Speaker award with his heartfelt speech about a memorable Thanksgiving family gathering in the US, delivered in response to the topic “What is your most memorable gathering?” Great speech!
We were treated to three fantastic prepared speeches. TM Im successfully entertained the audience with an anecdote about why she joined the Toastmasters club, calling it a hidden gem. TM D shared a fascinating perspective on life and death based on traditions from his country, emphasizing the importance of honoring the past, cherishing the present, and building the future. Last but not least, TM Ro delivered a speech about a serendipitous interaction on social media, where his occasional positive posts ended up helping someone through a difficult time. Congratulations to TM Ro for winning the Best Speaker award!

During the General Evaluation session, TM Ra provided an insightful evaluation of TM Im’s excellent speech. TM Kp commended TM D for effectively drawing positive lessons from an apparently negative context. TM Ss gave powerful and constructive feedback on TM Ro’s speech, offering valuable suggestions.
TM Ks gave an accurate timer’s report, while TM Kw highlighted noteworthy phrases we should remember from this meeting. TM I reported on how participants used the word of the day, “foster.” TM NH delivered an impromptu general evaluation speech, which I believe captured everyone’s feelings perfectly. This joint meeting was truly a melting pot, an exciting gathering that left us all with positive energy.
Thanks to Vote Master TM Is, we celebrated the award winners of the meeting. The session concluded with excellent guidance and remarks from TM Mi and TM Og.
After the meeting, we had a great dinner arranged by Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club. we enjoyed craft beers from Yokohama, Napolitan Spaghetti first served in Yokohama, and trivia knowledge you can’t learn from other places. Do you know the origin of the name of hot dog? Go to Minato-Mirai and ask them. Thank you Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club!
Our next meeting will be held on December 7th. We will return to our usual place, Omotesando, conducted in Japanese. See you all there!