354th Meeting Report – Special TEDx Speaker Ms. Maria Shimura

#SpecialMeeting #TEDxSpeaker #HugsSaveLives #Toastmasters #MariaShimura

Hello readers, today we are thrilled to share a meeting report for a very special meeting. On 17th June we had the pleasure of welcoming a special guest to our club, TEDx Speaker Ms. Maria Shimura. Club members had the pleasure of listening in person to her speech “Why Don’t We Hug in Japan?”. For those who have not yet hear her speech, here is the link. We will not be putting any spoilers in this meeting report but we can share that as a club we strongly support the beautiful message that hugs can save lives and would like to support spreading this positive message.

We were also blessed to have 5 wonderful guests who actively participated in both our Good & New and Table Topics Session.
TM HK introduced the word of the day which was “transcend”.

Meeting Video

TM MY our veteran Toastmaster took the role of Table Topics Master and picked some questions which were very compatible with the message by our special guest speaker.

(1) What is your best memory of your father?

(2) What is the best memory of your mother?

(3) Who would you like to hug right now?

(4) Have you hugged anyone and became their fan?

(5) Remember the school teacher and the one that you respect and talk about that person.

(6) Your favorite school mate you want to give a hug now?

(7) as a speaker what do you think is the most important skill? Eye contact, vocal variety etc.

All speakers did an excellent job and answered with very interesting responses to TM MY’s prompts. This was the best way to mark our Toastmaster Calendar Year of 2022-2023. With our 2 new members, the club also also succeeded in qualifying for the DCP points (a dedicated post will be shared separately). Our next term’s officers have been appointed and the club attendance rate is at an all time high, we are ready for another enjoyable term!
