You can check our regular meeting reports in “Meeting report / 例会レポート“
過去の例会のレポートは、「Meeting report / 例会レポート」でご確認いただけます。
1. Regular meeting / 通常例会
We aim to practice not only our language skills in English and Japanese but also communication skills such as active listening and persuasive speaking.
In our regular meeting, we have three sessions as below:
- Prepared Speech Session: Member makes a “prepared speech”. The length of the speech is from 5 minutes to 7 minutes regularly.
- Evaluation Session: Evaluator (member) makes an “evaluation speech” to the individual speaker.
- Table Topics Session (Training for the impromptu speech): “Table Topics Master” (member) will serve several speech topics. Member will make a speech after receiving the topics.
We hold Japanese and English meeting in turns
当クラブでは英語・日本語の言語能力の向上と、それらを最大限に活かすコミュニケー ションスキルの習得を目指しています。
- 準備スピーチの部:会員が、事前に準備した5分〜7分のスピーチを披露する
- 論評の部:準備スピーチに対して、会員が「論評」を行う
- Table Topicsの部(即興スピーチ練習):会員が準備した「スピーチトピック」に対して、即興で1分〜2分のスピーチを行う
2. Managing our club / 例会およびクラブの運営
The meetings are run by our members voluntarily. In our regular meeting, member takes role as below:
- Toastmaster: Planning and conducting the whole regular meeting.
- General Evaluator: Conducting the evaluation session and giving feedback to the whole of the regular meeting.
- Topicsmaster: Conducting the Table Topics Session
- Other roles: Grammarian, Ah-counter, Timer
Toastmasters International provides official manual named “Toastmaster wears many hats“. You can understand roles in the regular meeting in detail.
Furthermore, our club are managed by “Officers” valuntarily. We have officers role as below:
- Club President: As the person who sets the tone for the club, you are expected to provide helpful,
- supportive leadership for all of the club’s activities and be the first to assume responsibility for the progress and welfare of the club.
- Vice President Education: As Vice President Education, you schedule members’ speeches, verify the completion
- of projects, and serve as a resource for questions about the education program,
- speech contests, and your club mentor program.
- Vice President Membership: Vise President Membership promote the club and manage the process of bringing in guests and transforming them into members.
- Other officer’s roles: Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergent at Arms
Toastmasters International also provides official manual for the officer’s rola named “Club Leadership Handbook“. You can also understand the officer’s role in detail.
Thus we learn leadership to manage club activities at the same time.
- トーストマスター:通常例会を企画し、例会当日は司会進行を担当して充実した通常例会をつくりあげます。
- 総合論評:論評の部の進行を担当します。個人論評者への論評のほか、通常例会全体のフィードバック・論評も実施します。
- テーブルトピックスマスター:テーブルトピックスの部の進行を担当します。スピーチトピックスを準備し、通常例会の場で発表するほか、即興スピーチを行う方をその場で割り当てます。
- その他の役割:文法係・えーとカウンター・計時係 など
- クラブ会長:クラブの「顔」として、クラブの雰囲気作りに関わるほか、他のクラブとの連携といった活動にも関わり、クラブを盛り上げます。
- 教育担当副会長:会員の教育プログラムの進捗を確認し、会員の学習を促します。例会準備の際は「トーストマスター」が行う役割の割り当てをサポートします。
- 会員担当副会長:クラブに興味を持っていただいたゲストの方へのご案内・対応のほか、新入会員の入会サポートなどを担当します。
- その他の役員:広報担当副会長・書記・会計・会場係
3. Events / 各種イベント
Special meetings / 特別例会
We sometimes have special meetings. For example, two speech contests held in a year, workshops related to communication and leadership, and collaboration meetings with other clubs.
Special events / 特別イベント
we hold some parties after meetings to enjoy the seasons such as a Summer Evening Party, a Christmas Party, and a New Year Party.
Speech contests / スピーチコンテスト
Speech contests are an important part of the Toastmasters educational program.
They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience, as well as an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers.
Winners at the club level proceed to the area level, then to the division level, and finally to the district level.
Meeting Schedule / 通常例会のスケジュール
The details of the language in which the meeting will be conducted (Japanese, English) will be shown if you click 「Omotesando Bilingual」in the below calendar.
例会の使用言語等(英語・日本語)の詳細は下記のグーグルカレンダーの「Omotesando Bilingual」をクリックすると表示されます。