Report/ In-house Speech contest

【 Report/ In-house Speech contest 】
We had In-house Speech contest of Omotesando Bilingual TMC on Feb 16th.
I could say both English and Japanese contests were successful. It was such a vigorous competition of distinctive speeches.
We are quite sure guests were satisfied more than enough. Thank you so much, Contest Chair ;TM N.N, Chief Judge: E. I, Contestants, and helpers.

Two winners from each language will advance to the next round, “Area contest.” We are expecting many people to take this opportunity to come to the Area 34 contest as guests.

In Omotesando bilingual Toastmasters, there are a lot of talented members. We are good at speaking English, presentation, and leadership. We give opportunities you get improve your skills as you want. Please check our website, and attend our meeting if you have an interest in our activities. (

表参道バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブ インハウススピーチコンテストが開催されました。
日英のコンテストが無事に行われ 大盛況でした。とても活気のある、そしてそれぞれ個性的なスピーチのバトルが繰り広げられました。ゲストの方々にも満足して頂けたと確信しております。



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