第239回通常例会レポート(表参道バイリンガルTMC )




英語の今日の言葉「Cultural」の紹介のあと役割説明、そしてメインの準備スピーチです。最初のDさんは初めてのスピーチで自己紹介。「Practicing yoga, making progress」と題してヨガを中心にご自分の仕事や趣味などをお話くださいました。2人目Fさんは「Why am I learning English」というタイトルでの2回目のスピーチ。前回よりずっとわかりやすく心に響くスピーチでした。テーブルトピックスではHSさんが秋から冬に向かっての5つのトピックスを出題。即興スピーチはいつも悩みます。






238th Regular Meeting (20 Oct 2018) Report

November 3rd, we held the 239th meeting. This day was one of the Japanese national holiday ”Culture day”. President H.S introduced the origin of this day. It is a birthday of the Emperor of Meiji. TMOD E.I introduced today is also Comic day.

Today’s meeting’s first half is an English part. Word master TM I introduced the word of the day “Cultural”. At the prepared speech session, the first speaker was TM D. She talked her first speech as self-introduction.

Her speech title was “Practicing yoga, making progress” she mentioned Yoga, her job and hobbies. The second speaker was TM F. His second speech “Why am I learning English “was improved well and touching for us than the first one.

At the table topics; impromptu speech session, TM H.S asked five seasonable topics.

At the Evaluation session, TM A and TM I presented enthusiastic feedback for each speaker.

Second half was a Japanese part. TM I introduced the word of the day in Japanese “Rin toshita”. The first speaker in Japanese was TM H.  Speech title was “ The learner” He talked about the similarity of his job and learning other languages. The second speaker was TM O. He talked his experience of young day and memory of his father.

Japanese table topics master was TM A. She asked four topics about the reform of working style.

At the evaluation session, TM H.S and TM S gave some feedback along the project manual.

We held the induction ceremony for a new member at the end of the meeting.

Welcome TM S!
