第241回通常例会レポート(表参道バイリンガルTMC )



今回はTM Yがゲストスピーカーとして職場の難しい人たちと「繋がる」ためのTipsを話してくれました。とても励まされました。今回の会議自体も新メンバーの1人であるTM STMD初挑戦。素敵な笑顔で会議を盛り上げてくれました。もう少し参加者が多いともっと盛り上がりましたね。表参道にはGood and Newというコーナーがあり、24時間以内に起こった出来事について話すチャンスがあります。普通にしていると普通の日常生活ですが、一瞬を切り取ってポジティブに話すことで日常ももっと楽しくなりますよ。

241st Regular Meeting (1 Dec 2018) Report

The special highlight of this meeting was we had a guest speaker, TM Y, giving us tips to handle difficult communication in the workplace, which was very informative and encouraging. And the meeting itself was conducted by our new member, TM S. She prepared very well for the meeting and established a positive atmosphere with her likable smiles, which was outstanding. I wish we could see more members attendance because there were many speaking opportunities. One of the most exciting programs is “Good & New”. Participants to talk about anything which has happened in 24 hours. This program enables us to see our mundane life in a positive and interesting perspective. Please come and benefit from the “Good & New”!
