



TM AI took the role of TMOD for the first time. She smoothly led the meeting with her powerful talks. The selections of Word of The Day was excellent and we had fun to have many time to hear these words, “ambitious” and “gekitekina(劇的な), were used in the meeting. 3 prepared speeches was given by speakers with different talents.

We did not have any guest except one guest speaker. I hope we will have many guest next time and get the meeting much more energized with many participants.

Omotesando Builingual Toastmasters Club has regular meetings in the friendly and lively mood. Please join us and improve your leadership and public speech skills together!!

252’th regular meeting was held smoothly. Splendid parts are as follows,

今日はTM AIが初めてTMODに挑戦しました。彼女のパワフルな司会でスムーズな例会進行となりまいた。今日の言葉は英語が”ambitious”, 日本語が「劇的な」でどちらもたくさん使われた良いセレクトだったと思います。準備スピーチは、まったく個性の異なるスピーチが3本で聴きごたえがありました。


