TMOD F to facilitated today’s meeting with an enjoyable atmosphere, optimal time allocation, and smooth operation of each item on the agenda. Fulfilling results with 3 prepared speeches by TM K, O, and I, and table topics in both Japanese & English sessions.
TMOD F による明るく楽しい雰囲気づくり、最適な時間配分、そしてアジェンダ各項目のスムーズな運営を実現できた例会でした。TM K, O, I による3件の準備スピーチ、及び日本語&英語の両方でのテーブルトピック(各5名発言)と充実の内容。
This club strives to manage regular meetings with elaborate content. This is a place where not only everyone can improve their speech abilities, but they can also learn something and make friends. We welcome your visit !!