



KO conducted the 266th meeting elegantly and also cheerfully.  She started with the phrase “Work Hard, Play Hard” and gave us encouraging message as opening remarks!

We had one English speech and one Japanese speech. TA delivered a unique and surprising speech confessing his dramatical, impactful episode with his “EXes” in English. Comparing to English speech, the Japanese speech by TO was stable in a good way and so informative speaking about how to deliver speech well.

We had educational table topics in both EN and JP, the topics was about disaster prevention. The topics looks like too serious at first but we exchanged our thoughts for prevention and it was so educational.

Overall the meeting was successfully done! Also we had induction ceremony of SM!  Welcome to Omotesando!

KOさんによるエレガントでかつ活気のある例会でした!冒頭の挨拶で「Work Hard, Play Hard」というキーフレーズを用いながら「それぞれが役割を果たしつつ、思いっきり楽しむ例会にしましょう!」という言葉に始まりました。



Omotesando TMC would be  more excited with new members!! For those interested in our activities, please feel free to reach us from “Contact” (https://omotesando-tmc.org/wp/contact/) on our website! We are looking forward to your visit.

